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Calendar not showing new bookings?

Over the past few days, a number of users have noticed that their OwnerRez calendar has not been showing new bookings, only old ones. Or, more accurately, it would take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for new bookings to appear. At ...

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The new email sending/archiving framework

Earlier this morning, we rolled out a major release that introduced our new sending/archiving framework for email. When you first login, you'll notice the new 'Email' menu. When clicked, you'll see our standard-looking grid showing your sent mes...

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We've switched email service providers

As you know, OwnerRez is heavily reliant on email. From the first time you respond to a guest's inquiry to the last time (probably releasing their security deposit), the system sends an average of 8 emails to the guest and 6 to the owner. That's...

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